
A selection of writings on immersive experiences by CIE members


Long, J. W., Masters, B., Sajjadi, P., Simons, C., & Masterson, T. D. (2023). The development of an immersive mixed-reality application to improve the ecological validity of eating and sensory behavior research. Frontiers in Nutrition, 10.
M. Bagher, M., Sajjadi, P., Wallgrün, J. O., LaFemina, P., & Klippel, A. (2023). Virtual reality for geospatial education: immersive technologies enhance sense of embodiment. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 50(3).
Prestby, T. J., Robinson, A. C., McLaughlin, D., Dudas, P. M., & Grozinger, C. M. (2023). Characterizing user needs for Beescape: A spatial decision support tool focused on pollinator health. Journal of Environmental Management, 325.


Sajjadi, P., Bagher, M. M., Myrick, J. G., Guerriero, J. G., White, T. S., Klippel, A., & Swim, J. K. (2022). Promoting systems thinking and pro-environmental policy support through serious games. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10.
Zhao, J., Wallgrün, J. O., Sajjadi, P., LaFemina, P., Lim, K. Y. T., Springer, J. P., & Klippel, A. (2022). Longitudinal Effects in the Effectiveness of Educational Virtual Field Trips. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 60(4).
Wallgrün, J. O., Chang, J. S. K., Zhao, J., Trenham, P., Sajjadi, P., Simpson, M., & Klippel, A. (2022). Place-based education through immersive virtual experiences — preparing biology students for the field. Journal of Biological Education.
Bursztyn, N., Sajjadi, P., Riegel, H., Huang, J., Wallgrün, J. O., Zhao, J., Masters, B., & Klippel, A. (2022). Virtual strike and dip – Advancing inclusive and accessible field geology. Geoscience Communication, 5(1).
Sajjadi, P., Ewais, A., & de Troyer, O. (2022). Individualization in serious games: A systematic review of the literature on the aspects of the players to adapt to. In Entertainment Computing (Vol. 41).
Zhao, J., Ma, X., Simpson, M., Sajjadi, P., Wallgrün, J. O., & Klippel, A. (2022). Reference frames and geographic scale: understanding their relationship in environmental learning. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 49(1).
Sajjadi, P., Edwards, C. G., Zhao, J., Fatemi, A., Long, J. W., Klippel, A., & Masterson, T. D. (2022). Remote iVR for Nutrition Education: From Design to Evaluation. Frontiers in Computer Science, 4.
Robinson, A. C., Prestby, T. J., McLaughlin, D., Dudas, P., & Grozinger, C. (2022). Evaluating User Needs for Geovisualization of Pollinator Health and Ecosystems. Abstracts of the ICA, 5.


Bagher, M. M., Sajjadi, P., Wallgrün, J. O., la Femina, P. C., & Klippel, A. (2021). Move The Object or Move The User: The Role of Interaction Techniques on Embodied Learning in VR. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2.
Zhao, J., Simpson, M., Sajjadi, P., Wallgrün, J. O., Li, P., Bagher, M. M., Oprean, D., Padilla, L., & Klippel, A. (2021). CrowDXR – Pitfalls and potentials of experiments with remote participants. Proceedings – 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2021.
Klippel, A., Sajjadi, P., Zhao, J., Wallgrün, J. O., Huang, J., & Bagher, M. M. (2021). EMBODIED DIGITAL TWINS for ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 5(4).
Wallgrun, J. O., Knapp, E., Taylor, A., Klippel, A., Zhao, J., & Sajjadi, P. (2021). Place-based learning through a proxy – Variations in the perceived benefits of a virtual tour. Proceedings of 2021 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, ILRN 2021.
Bursztyn, N., Riegel, H., Sajjadi, P., Masters, B., Zhao, J., Huang, J., Bagher, M. M., Oliver Wallgrun, J., & Klippel, A. (2021). Fostering geological thinking through virtual strike and dip measurements. Proceedings – 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops, VRW 2021.
Fleming, E. C., Robert, J., Sparrow, J., Wee, J., Dudas, P., & Slattery, M. J. (2021). A Digital Fluency Framework to Support 21st-Century Skills. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 53(2).


Zhao, J., Sensibaugh, T., Bodenheimer, B., McNamara, T. P., Nazareth, A., Newcombe, N., Minear, M., and Klippel, A. (2020). Desktop versus immersive virtual environments: Effects on spatial learning. Spatial Cognition & Computation, 3(3), 1–36.
Li, P., Legault, J., Klippel, A., & Zhao, J. (2020). Virtual reality for student learning: Understanding individual differences. Human Behaviour and Brain, 1(1), 28–36.
Wallgrün, J. O., Bagher, M. M., Sajjadi, P., & Klippel, A. (2020). A comparison of visual attention guiding approaches for 360° image-based VR tours. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 83–91). Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE.
Zhao, J., Simpson, M., Wallgrün, J. O., Sajjadi, P., & Klippel, A. (2020). Extended realities – How changing scale affects spatial learning. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (pp. 601–602). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.
Zhao, J., LaFemina, P. C., Carr, J., Sajjadi, P., Wallgrün, J. O., & Klippel, A. (2020). Learning in the field: Comparison of desktop, immersive virtual reality, and actual field trips for place-based STEM education. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 893–902). Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE.

Sajjadi, P., Bagher, M. M., Cui, Z., Myrrick, J., Swim, J. K., White, T. S., & Klippel, A. (2020). CZ investigator: learning about critical zones through a VR serious game. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (pp. 603–604). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.

Klippel, A., Zhao, J., Sajjadi, P., Wallgrün, J. O., Bagher, M. M., & Oprean, D. (2020). Immersive place-based learning – An extended research framework. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (pp. 449–454). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.

Zhao, J., Simpson, M., Wallgrün, J. O., Sajjadi, P., & Klippel, A. (2020). Exploring the Effects of Geographic Scale on Spatial Learning. In Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 5(14), 1–18.

Zhao, J.LaFemina, P., Carr, J., Sajjadi, P., Wallgrun, J. O., & Klippel, A. (2020). Learning in the Field: Comparison of Desktop, Immersive Virtual Reality, and Actual Field Trips for Place-Based STEM Education. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 893–902). Atlanta, GA: IEEE.

Klippel, A., Zhao, J.Sajjadi, P., Wallgrun, J. O., Bagher, M. M., & Oprean, D. (2020). Immersive Place-based Learning – An Extended Research Framework. In 2020 IEEE Virtual Reality Workshop on K-12 Embodied Learning Through Virtual and Augmented Reality (KELVAR) (pp. 449–454).

Bagher, M. M. (2020, March). Immersive VR and Embodied Learning: The Role of Embodied Affordances in The Long-term Retention of Semantic Knowledge. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (pp. 537-538). IEEE.

Bagher, M. M., Sajjadi, P., Carr, J., La Femina, P., & Klippel, A. (2020). Fostering Penetrative Thinking in Geosciences Through Immersive Experiences: A Case Study in Visualizing Earthquake Locations in 3D. In Immersive Learning Research Network Conference 2020. Piscataway, (pp. 132-139). NJ: IEEE.

Sajjadi, P., Bagher, M. M., Wallgrün O. J., Cimiano, P., Kopp, S., Klippel, A. (2020)  Mixed or Virtual: Does Device Type Matter in Human-ECA Interactions. In Immersive Learning Research Network Conference 2020. Piscataway, (pp. 230-235). NJ: IEEE.


Klippel, A., Zhao, J., Oprean, D., Wallgrün, J. O., Stubbs, C., La Femina, P., & Jackson, K. L. (2019). The value of being there: Toward a science of immersive virtual field trips. Virtual Reality, 1(4), 24.
Wallgrün, J. O., Chang, J. (S.‑K.), Zhao, J., Oprean, D., Baka, J., Murphy, T., & Klippel, A. (2019). For the many, not the one: Designing low-cost joint VR experiences for place-based learning. In P. Bourdot, V. Interrante, L. Nedel, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, & G. Zachmann (Eds.), Proceedings of Euro VR – Scientific Track (pp. 126–148). Cham: Springer.
Hollett, T., Luo, S., Turcotte, N., Ramsay, C., Stubbs, C., & Zidik, Z. (2019). Moments of friction in virtual reality: How feeling histories impact experience. E-Learning and Digital Media, 204275301987604.
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Zhao, J., Wallgrün, J. O., LaFemina, P., Normandeu, J., & Klippel, A. (2019). Harnessing the Power of Immersive Virtual Reality – Visualization and Analysis of 3D Earth Science Data Sets. Geo-Spatial Information Science.
Klippel, A., Zhao, J., Jackson, K. L., LaFemina, P., Stubbs, C., Oprean, D., Wetzel, R., Wallgrün, J. O., & Blair, J. (2019): Transforming Earth Science Education Through Immersive Experiences. Delivering on a Long Held Promise. In Journal of Educational Computing Research 10 (2). DOI: 10.1177/0735633119854025
Klippel, A., Zhao*, J., Oprean, D., Wallgrün, J. O., & Jack Shen-Kuen Chang (2019). Research framework for immersive virtual field trips. In KELVAR: The Fourth IEEE VR Workshop on K-12+ Embodied Learning through Virtual and Augmented Reality. Best Paper Award
Legault, J., Zhao, J., Chi, Y.-A., Chen, W., Klippel, A., & Li, P. (2019). Second Language learning and embodied experience via virtual reality. Languages, 4(1), 13.
Klippel, A., Oprean, D., Zhao, J., Wallgrün, J. O., LaFemina, P., Jackson, K., Gowen, E. (2019) Immersive Learning in the Wild: A Progress Report. In: Beck D. et al. (eds) Immersive Learning Research Network. iLRN 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1044. Springer, Cham.
Zhao, J., & Klippel, A. (2019) Scale – unexplored opportunities for immersive technologies in place-based learning. IEEE VR 2019 Conference Paper
Wallgrün, J. O., Masrur, A., Zhao, J., Taylor, A., Knapp, E., Jack Shen-Kuen Chang, & Klippel, A. (2019). Low-Cost VR Applications to Experience Real Word Places Anytime, Anywhere, and with Anyone. In WEVR: The Fifth IEEE VR Workshop on Everyday Virtual Reality.


Oprean, D., Verniz, D., Zhao, J., Wallgrün, J. O., Duarte, J., & Klippel, A. (2018). Remote studio site experiences: Investigating the potential to develop the immersive site visit. In T. Fukada, W. Huang, P. Janssen, K. Crolla, & S. Alhadidi (Eds.), Learning, Adapting and Prototyping – Proceedings of the 23rd CAADRIA Conference – Volume 1, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 17-19 May 2018 (pp. 421–430). Hong Kong: The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia.
official site

Jackson, K. L., Oprean, D., Stubbs, C., Zhao, J., Blari, J., LaFemina, P., & Klippel, A. (2018). Investigating the promise of the virtual field trip: Capitalizing on the advantages of virtual reality for conveying field site information. In D. Beck, A. Pena-Rios, T. Ogle, C. Allison, L. Morgado, J. Pirker,. . . C. Gütl (Eds.), iLRN 2018 Montana: Workshop, Long and Short Paper and Poster Proceedings from the Fourth Immersive Learning Research Network Conference (pp. 147–148). Graz, Austria: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz.

Huang, J., Bagher, M., Ross, H., Piekielek, N., Wallgrün, J. O., Zhao, J., & Klippel, A. (2018). From archive, to access, to experience – Historical documents as a basis for immersive virtual reality. Journal of Map & Geography Libraries.


Oprean, D., Simpson, M., & Klippel, A. (2017). Collaborating remotely: An evaluation of immersive capabilities on spatial experiences and team membership. International Journal of Digital Earth, 1, 1–17.

Sundar, S. S., Kang, J., & Oprean, D. (2017). Being There in the Midst of the Story: How Immersive Journalism Affects Our Perceptions and Cognitions. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 20(11), 672–682.

Wallgrün, J. O., Huang, J., Zhao, J., Masrur, A., & Klippel, A. (2017). A framework for low-cost multi-platform VR and AR site experiences. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-2/W8. p. 263-270.

Masrur, A., Zhao, J., Wallgrün, J. O., LaFemina, P., & Klippel, A. (2017). Immersive applications for informal and interactive learning for earth sciences. In Workshop on Immersive Analytics (IA), at IEEE VIS, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, October 1st, 2017.

Wallgrün, J. O., Huang, J., Zhao, J., Ebert, C., Roddy, P., Murtha, T., Awe, J., Klippel, A. (2017). Archaeological site exploration and analysis. In P. Fogliaroni, A. Ballatore, & E. Clementini (Eds.), Proceedings of Workshops and Posters at 13th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2017) (pp. 307–314). Berlin: Springer.

Zhao, J., Lafemina, P., Wallgrün, J. O., Oprean, D., & Klippel, A. (2017). IVR for the geosciences. 2017 IEEE Virtual Reality Workshop on K-12 Embodied Learning through Virtual & Augmented Reality (KELVAR). doi:10.1109/kelvar.2017.7961557